Friday, February 18, 2011

Osteoporosis - what can you do to prevent and reverse porous / brittle bones?

Here is some interesting information I have found on a condition that affects so many women - Osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis affects millions of people, most often post menopausal women. Osteoporosis is defined as porous bones - the bone structure becomes porous and brittle, leading to easy breakage and fracture. This process of the bones becoming porous is due to deficiency of minerals in the bones, the main mineral concerned being Calcium.

Something I have never really asked or pondered too deeply is this - Why do the bones suddenly lack mineral content? Often a diet rich in Calcium is prescribed - Milk etc but this is confusing as often people with Osteoporosis drank plenty of milk anyway. Also the US has one of the highest intakes of Dairy and dairy products of any nation in the world and yet it has one of the highest rates of Osteoporosis. Something is not right here.

So I do some more digging and guess what I find - It is all to do with minerals and diet. The more I research the more I find that seemingly diet and in particular getting the nutrients we need from our diet is "the BIG thing" when it comes to health. We do not, it appears, suffer conditions and illnesses because we have a lack of pharmaceutical made chemicals in our bodies - therefore taking endless chemicals produced in smoking factories by multi billion dollar businesses is NOT the answer - at least not the only answer and not the complete answer.

The conditions and diseases we suffer are often linked to our Diet - and in ways we often do not think of. For example - Osteoporosis - One of the main reasons for porous bones is that our bodies RELEASE minerals, stored in bones, along with ammonia, stored in muscles. WHY would our own bodies do such a thing?

To answer that question we need to more fully understand the role of Minerals in our bodies. It is quite simple really - Minerals act as a buffer to protect the body from becoming overly ACIDIC. So our bodies are ingeniously designed to PROTECT us from ourselves.

As I have found out in previous research, an Acidic body is unhealthy, disease prone and painful. Cancers love to grow in a poorly oxygenated acidic environment, all kinds of diseases love this acidic home. To protect us the body desperately scrambles to get its hands on something to neutralise the acid and return the body to its more natural, healthy, pH neutral or slightly ALKALINE state.

This acid beating superhero is or are Minerals. Now what in our bodies is a good source of minerals? Bones!
There you have it - Bones depleted mineral content, leading to porous / brittle bones is often due, at least in part to our bodies being overly acidic and our good old bodies working hard to neutralise this dangerous acid.

Of course the next question has to be:

Why are we so Acidic? We are born, under normal circumstances, slightly Alkaline and appear to become more and more acidic as we grow older - hence the increasing rate of disease and chronic conditions through middle and old age.

Well to answer this problem we have to repeat the often used phrase - "You are what you eat".

That will be the subject of my next post - in a couple of days - "Why the food we eat is killing us" - please come back and check in on some suggestions to Alkalize for life.

In the meantime please check out my website - for more information on the amazing value of the Mineral superheroes - check at the bottom of this blog site for a full list of the contents of Life Leader Minerals or on the website above

Can you afford to be mineral deficient?


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