Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Food - as a noun - overused and little understood!

Hi, just a quickie!

On the back of my last post regarding "The food we eat is killing us" - I should have included this little detail.

According to the noun "food" is defined as:

any nourishing substance that is eaten, drunk, or otherwise taken into the body to sustain life, provide energy, promote growth, etc.
I don't know about you but based upon that definition much of what appears in stores these days would struggle to qualify as real FOOD.
Also remember, when you search for natural foods high in mineral content such as Broccoli, Spinach etc etc these foods are good sources of minerals - IF - they are grown in mineral rich soil.
No plant can make, synthesize or magically contain minerals - THEY ALL HAVE TO ABSORB THEM FROM THE SOIL THEY ARE GROWN IN - If the soil is mineral depleted - the plant and hence your food will be also.
Most soil IS MINERAL DEPLETED thanks to intensive farming, no crop rotation, search for high yields and general profit making greed.
Can you afford to be mineral deficient?
I am working on some posts regarding conditions that can develop as a result of specific mineral deficiencies - Should be interesting.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Why the food we eat is killing us!

Please do me, yourself and your family a favour - the next time you go to the grocery store for a weeks worth of food shopping take a good look at the contents of your shopping kart before you checkout. As you look ask yourself this:

"Is the food I buy and feed my family with, mostly in its natural state or is it evident that most of the food I buy and feed my family with in a state that is far far removed from nature?"

I believe this to be a vital question. You go to your fruit and veg section in your local grocery store and there you are most likely to see food in its most natural state (there are issues here - such as the soil and conditions under which the food was grown, but that we will discuss in another article). The Broccoli looks like it should, the tomatoes are plain to see, the fruits smell good etc etc.

Now take a look at the rest of the store - probably the fruit and veg space is about 10-15% of the total space set aside for foods. That means that 80-90% of the foods available for your to purchase and feed your family are some way away from their natural state. The chances are that a similar split between natural and unnatural lies in your shopping kart!

How serious is that? Should we be concerned?

Firstly it is established fact that we as humans are made up of elements found in the earth - 100% - we are natural, what exists in your garden soil is the building blocks for the human body. Next consider this vital fact:

Our blood is replaced every ninety days, our soft tissue every three years and our bone every seven years.

Yes our bodies are continually being renewed. Now if our bodies consist of the elements of the earth what do you think is needed for this continual replacement and maintenance program to be successful?.....It isn't that difficult to grasp is it? If we want to have our blood cells, soft tissue cells and bone cells replaced with strong healthy blood cells, soft tissue cells and bone cells then we need to provide our bodies with the base materials it needs to build these strong healthy cells.

I recommend you read that paragraph a few times to make sure it is remembered - I believe this is probably the most basic tenant of good health today - remember I am no scientist or doctor but I think sometimes common sense can be useful!

So back to the Grocery store. You have a massive choice of processed, frozen, freeze dried, chemically altered, reconstituted and otherwise human manipulated food stuffs to chose from. Most of these were originally natural products. Somewhere along the line the human decided that he could perhaps improve upon them or somehow make them more appealing and more profitable by tampering with them.

Think of a simple apple, grown in an apple orchard out in the countryside under the blue skies, sunshine and rain. Grown in good soil. That simple apple has grown and developed using extremely complex science that we humans do not yet fully understand. It has, through processes that are a mystery to me, absorbed goodness from the soil and presented it to us in the appealing form of a delicious apple. The same we can say for all the natural processes used by plants to present the foods we really need. The foods found in that small 10-15% of the grocery store.

Now consider the humble cookie or biscuit. The basic ingredients would probably include some flour, water, butter, sugar etc. The trouble is even those basic ingredients have been "refined" or put through any number of processes, again the details are a mystery to me, but not to the guy who works at the large biscuit factory located on the edge of the city. What happens to the goodness and nutrition, naturally found in grains when the are refined? Up to 70-80% of mineral content is removed - vital minerals that our bodies needs and can easily absorb. The label may say the flour has been refined and "fortified" - that probably means that some minerals and vitamins have been "put back in" but often in a form that makes it very difficult for the body to absorb.

That's just the flour, I do not have the time or space to discuss the other natural ingredients and what has happened to them. Wait until we get to the preservatives and other incredibly difficult to pronounce stuff we humans insist on stuffing into this sugar coated poison that is somewhat loosely called "food"! - that will be the subject of another article.

You get the picture though! If we want to give our bodies what they need in order to carry out the ongoing process of repair and replacement that enables us to keep functioning with health and vitality we MUST eat the right food.

Please carefully review the contents of your Kart before you check out. Please, consider spending a little more time and money in the fresh fruit and veg section where you can easily tell what is what and spend a LOT less time and money in the rest of the store where the contents of the brightly coloured merchandise is any ones guess.

Please remember that processed dead food is now making up the large majority of the westerner's diet. Is there any mystery to the huge obesity problems, the diabetes problems and so many other nutrition related conditions that afflict the average family that spend most of their food shopping time in the 80% of the store selling "mystery contents, pretending to be food"?

Yes the food we eat is killing us because it is NOT food. It is not so easy to change our diet and thinking because much of the processed stuff contains addictive sugars, salts etc. These seam to create a craving is us for more of the same garbage - we have to go through a period of cold turkey to beat these cravings but when we do...Wow! the Mangoes, the Watermelons, the Avacadoes.....they all taste so good - and that s just what your tongue is telling you....think of our your blood, soft tissue and bones feel!

One last look at your kart before check out.

In the meantime give your body the boost it needs to get that replacement and repair process back on track - Visit Today - "What your body needs"

Friday, February 18, 2011

Osteoporosis - what can you do to prevent and reverse porous / brittle bones?

Here is some interesting information I have found on a condition that affects so many women - Osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis affects millions of people, most often post menopausal women. Osteoporosis is defined as porous bones - the bone structure becomes porous and brittle, leading to easy breakage and fracture. This process of the bones becoming porous is due to deficiency of minerals in the bones, the main mineral concerned being Calcium.

Something I have never really asked or pondered too deeply is this - Why do the bones suddenly lack mineral content? Often a diet rich in Calcium is prescribed - Milk etc but this is confusing as often people with Osteoporosis drank plenty of milk anyway. Also the US has one of the highest intakes of Dairy and dairy products of any nation in the world and yet it has one of the highest rates of Osteoporosis. Something is not right here.

So I do some more digging and guess what I find - It is all to do with minerals and diet. The more I research the more I find that seemingly diet and in particular getting the nutrients we need from our diet is "the BIG thing" when it comes to health. We do not, it appears, suffer conditions and illnesses because we have a lack of pharmaceutical made chemicals in our bodies - therefore taking endless chemicals produced in smoking factories by multi billion dollar businesses is NOT the answer - at least not the only answer and not the complete answer.

The conditions and diseases we suffer are often linked to our Diet - and in ways we often do not think of. For example - Osteoporosis - One of the main reasons for porous bones is that our bodies RELEASE minerals, stored in bones, along with ammonia, stored in muscles. WHY would our own bodies do such a thing?

To answer that question we need to more fully understand the role of Minerals in our bodies. It is quite simple really - Minerals act as a buffer to protect the body from becoming overly ACIDIC. So our bodies are ingeniously designed to PROTECT us from ourselves.

As I have found out in previous research, an Acidic body is unhealthy, disease prone and painful. Cancers love to grow in a poorly oxygenated acidic environment, all kinds of diseases love this acidic home. To protect us the body desperately scrambles to get its hands on something to neutralise the acid and return the body to its more natural, healthy, pH neutral or slightly ALKALINE state.

This acid beating superhero is or are Minerals. Now what in our bodies is a good source of minerals? Bones!
There you have it - Bones depleted mineral content, leading to porous / brittle bones is often due, at least in part to our bodies being overly acidic and our good old bodies working hard to neutralise this dangerous acid.

Of course the next question has to be:

Why are we so Acidic? We are born, under normal circumstances, slightly Alkaline and appear to become more and more acidic as we grow older - hence the increasing rate of disease and chronic conditions through middle and old age.

Well to answer this problem we have to repeat the often used phrase - "You are what you eat".

That will be the subject of my next post - in a couple of days - "Why the food we eat is killing us" - please come back and check in on some suggestions to Alkalize for life.

In the meantime please check out my website - for more information on the amazing value of the Mineral superheroes - check at the bottom of this blog site for a full list of the contents of Life Leader Minerals or on the website above

Can you afford to be mineral deficient?


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Water and Minerals equals Life, Health, Beauty & Fitness

All of our bodies are essentially 70% water and 30% Minerals - I was surprised to learn an interesting fact about vitamins - their chief role in the body is the appropriation of guessed it - Minerals - So if you are mineral deficient those Vitamins do not have a whole lot to do and are often NOT used by the body - that adds up to a major waste of money when you consider the millions spent on vitamin supplements every year.

So we are all 70% water and 30% mineral. Now most of us do not drink the water we need, I have been making a determined effort to drink more than 2 litres per day and it can be difficult. As for Minerals well I can safely say that the vast majority of us are mineral deficient. How can I be so sure? Well many tests prove it but also common sense tells me so.

Think about this......we are supposed to get our minerals from the foods we eat and the water we drink. Now the food is most often processed - processing removes between 75 and 90% of all minerals!! If the food is not processed, in other words if it is fresh out the ground then you would think we'd be OK right? - Wrong! Intensive farming methods over the last century, along with the chemicals, acid rain etc has drastically reduced the level of minerals in the soil. Now a plant can oftentimes synthesize a vitamin - or so my research says - do not ask me how the plant does this, I have no clue - BUT interestingly no plant can synthesize a mineral. So there you have it - fresh or processed - you get very few minerals these days - I still think fresh food is better!

As for water - we love our bottled water these days don't we. Here is the thing - most bottled water is just water, there are no minerals, no nothing in it! We like it so clean and pure that it does not do the things it is supposed to. Now fresh water comes to us from mountain streams etc - years ago nearly everyone drank from a river. Picture the water being filtered through the rocks of some mountain and spilling out in the form of a stream, flowing down to the village where our great great grandparents used to live - What do you think the water had collected along its journey? - You got it - Minerals!!

So we are still 70% water, if we drink enough and we are still 30% minerals if we get enough of them - How about you? Are you registering that 70/30 split? - I am trying hard to but it is a struggle these days.

Remember a Mineral deficient body is more prone to a whole host of diseases and conditions, it is likely to be pH acidic which again makes pain and disease more likely. A body with a balanced pH is a healthy body. A body with an Acidic pH is an ageing, disease prone and painful body.

Guess what is a key ingredient in the body's fight to balance pH? - You got it - Minerals!!

So what do you think - can we afford to be mineral deficient?
How can you avoid it in this modern world?

Try Life Leader Minerals - visit  TODAY

Thursday, February 10, 2011

What do these conditions often have in common?

Osteporosis, Arthritis, Diabetes, Heart Disease, Stroke, Cancers, Hypertension, Fatigue plus many many more?

Answer - Mineral deficiency

Calcium deficiency alone can cause over 100 diseases / conditions

95% of Americans are mineral deficient.

Your body needs many many minerals and trace elements not just the 10 or 15 you find in typical supplements.

Learn more at

Long life - pain and disease free

There are a handful of cultures / peoples who live far longer and live far healthier than most of the rest of the world. What is their secret?

These cultures according to a decades long scientific study are the only peoples to receive a FULL complement of earth's minerals in their diet - The minerals are obtained through their river water which finds it source high in the mountains - collecting valuable minerals on its way to their settlements.

Want to live longer and healthier? You need a full complement of minerals!

Not just 5 or 10 or 15 as found in most "off the shelf" supplements.

Learn more at

Dieting and weight loss........interesting yet little known fact.

The body often stores fat to protect vital organs etc from an increasingly acidic environment.
The fat we often wish to lose is protecting us from ourselves!
Our lifestyles, diet, stress levels etc can cause our bodies to become more and more acidic - hence more and more stored fat.
Clearly the solution is to reduce acid - balance pH
What tools does your body need to balance pH? - Minerals - lots of them!

Learn more at

pH balance for Health, Fitness, Weight Control & Beauty

Cheked you pH lately?
pH (Potential Hydrogen) is a measure of the Acidity / Alkalinity of your body.
We are born pH balanced (slightly Alkaline) - Modern living, Diet, Stress and mineral deficiency turns us Acidic
An Acidic body is an ageing, disease prone, painful and often overweight body.

Learn more visit